Operation Politics

A debate server with diverse views and opinions, a welcoming community, and current affairs, debates, and more!

Operation Politics

Created: September 28, 2020

Members: 1880

Join Discord Server

We are a political server designed for two-way, respectful, bipartisan debate and discussion on politics and current events. We have been on Discord for over two years, and have developed a great community that is able to come together and find common ground in a uniquely politically diverse, civil, and non-toxic atmosphere.

We have tons of channels for:
US / Global News and Politics
️ Election News / Results
Philosophy / Religion
Hot Takes
Serious Discussions and Debates
Daily Topics of the Day
And of course, general discussion and memes
… and a lot more!

️ Over 200 roles including custom roles and Presidential Campaign roles

Political Party Chats

Weekly Events

We aim to foster a productive and welcoming community for people of all ages, backgrounds, and political affiliations and fostering two-way bipartisan dialogue and debate. With over 1600 members and growing, come be apart of our journey into creating a better place for political discussion!

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