
We are Paragons! An economic and social partner DAO to promising blockchain-powered gaming ecosystems.


Created: August 09, 2021

Members: 3706

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Welcome to ParagonsDAO! We’re a community-owned Web3 gaming collective that levels up players and guilds. We equip gamers and investors to unleash their potential and realize the economic benefits of Web3 gaming. We provide the tools and infrastructure for guilds and collectors to empower their own communities. Just bring your hustle!
Our community operates under these core principles:

Respect: We treat all community members with respect and dignity. Harassment, discrimination, hate speech, or any form of abusive behavior will not be tolerated.

Inclusivity: We promote inclusivity within the community. We welcome people from all backgrounds and strives to create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Integrity: We hold ourselves to high moral standards. We take responsibility for our actions, follow through with our commitments, and work in line with the best interests of the DAO and token holders. We do not tolerate or associate with bad actors.

Transparency: We value honest, transparent interactions within the community. This includes sharing the good with the bad, public discussion of important proposals, and providing clear rationale for decisions made by our councils and Core Contributors.

Collaboration: We encourage the community to collaborate, provide constructive criticism, and work together toward improving the DAO. All community members have a responsibility to move the DAO forward—share ideas, propose solutions, and volunteer to help make it work.

Decentralization: We embrace the principles of decentralization and empower community members to have a voice in decision-making. Community members can create and weigh in on proposals, and token holders can vote for Council members twice annually.

Delegation: Our Councils have delegated authority to make decisions on the DAO’s strategy and treasury. Before making important decisions, Councils provide opportunities for Community discussion/consultation. Our Core Contributors manage the minutiae, and answer to our Councils.

Continuous Learning: We continuously educate ourselves across diverse topics to help us think differently, and contribute more effectively to the DAO.

We believe that by following these guidelines, we can create a safe and welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

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