Peace Anime Community

peace anime is friendly, non-toxic & 100% (SFW) 13+ active community! so hurry join our community for a new experience!!

Peace Anime Community

Created: November 20, 2021

Members: 1382

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Peace Anime Community Is An Non-Toxic 13+ Anime Community Server Where Everyone Can Take Anime Suggestions And Recommendations Freely.

This Is Such A Place Where We Also Do Gaming And Streaming To Entertainment Our Community Members. Here In This Community we Also Have So many Voice Channels To Hangout With Friends.

Other Than That We Also Have An Arcade Zone To Play With Interesting Bot Games Such As:- 1) mudae 2) anicard 3) karuta 4) truth and dare 5) matchmaking 6) dank memer 7) owo bot

For Anime Lovers We Also Have 3 Specific Channels To Notify Them About Different Anime News.

In Our General Chat Channel We Have A Beautiful Grinding System By Arcane Bot Such As You’ll Level Up To ( 05 – 100 ) Levels Through Texting In That Channel.

With Levels You’ll Also Get Some Amazing Leveling Rewards To Enjoy With Also You Can Even Unlock All the Level Rewards At Once If You Become A Server Booster. After Becoming A Booster You Can Easily Skip All The Grinding System.

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