
A SFW community of AI art enthusiasts sharing art from any AI generator. Connected to the Pixja.com AI Art marketplace.


Created: December 14, 2023

Members: 1176

Join Discord Server

Welcome to our vibrant Discord community of generative AI art enthusiasts! Here, creativity meets cutting-edge technology, bringing together artists and tech lovers who explore the artistic potential of AI. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a curious newcomer, our community is the perfect place to share, discover, and get inspired by digital art created with the most popular AI tools like Midjourney, Dall-E, and SDXL.

Each week, we ignite creativity with themed art contests where members can showcase their skills and vote for their favorites. Winners gain special roles within our community, earning recognition and exclusive perks. We also celebrate our artists by featuring their creations in videos across our social media channels, expanding their reach and influence in the digital art world.

Beyond contests, our community is buzzing with activity. Engage in channels dedicated to prompt sharing for those looking for inspiration, receive constructive feedback on your art, or explore human-created artworks for a touch of traditional flair. For some light-hearted fun, share memes and pet photos with fellow members.

Occasional prize giveaways add an extra layer of excitement, rewarding community engagement and artistic efforts. As you participate and contribute, you can ascend through various community roles—from contest winners to video contributors and generous patrons—each offering unique benefits and recognition.

Join us to be part of a forward-thinking art community where technology amplifies creativity, and every member’s contribution is valued. Let’s push the boundaries of what art can be together!

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