PMD: Parallel Yonder

Explore a world with unique characters, dangerous foes, and epic adventures in this PMD RP Server.

PMD: Parallel Yonder

Created: June 08, 2020

Members: 1232

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A PMD server that’ll take you on a journey through a vast and wondrous world! As a roleplayer, you have the freedom to shape your character’s story and explore the lore of the server, which is carefully crafted to offer a deep and engaging experience: teaming up with other players to explore dungeons, battling dangerous foes, and uncovering the secrets of the land.

Yonder is a vast world filled with wonder and danger. From the elusive and manipulative Dragons to the magical and unpredictable Beasts, this world is teeming with life that you won’t find anywhere else. Explore the rich landscapes, from the lush forests of Wisteria to the rocky terrain of Drakevale, and discover the secrets that are hidden within. But be careful, as danger lurks around every corner.

Using our character customization bot, whether you want to play as a traditional Pokemon or create a unique fusion or variant, the possibilities are endless. Explore the lore and immerse in a world where every decision you make can change the course of history.

With a friendly and welcoming community, you’ll never have to face the perils of the unknown alone. Join us today and experience a world like no other!

Join us on our Discord server and take the first step towards your adventure in Yonder. Connect with other players who share your passion and explore the depths of our captivating world. Share your experiences, strategies, and make new friends as you embark on your journey in Yonder.

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