PnK FaM is a network of artists, gamers and game devs to connect each other, share art, find new projects & have fun :)


Created: May 15, 2021

Members: 9260

Join Discord Server

PnK FaM started with relaxing YouTube channels you can use to chill, study or fall asleep to. Across multiple channels you get several videos with a variety of content.

Soothing gaming music, ambience, lofi beats, nature sounds, guided meditations, sci-fi and fantasy soundscapes are only a few examples of what you can expect every day.


Over time, I realised that a nice and creative community emerged around those videos. In order to give us more place and freedom to develope this further, I created the PnK FaM Discord Server.

We are a friendly & inclusive community coming from all kinds of creative areas: artists, gamers, game devs, cosplayers, content creators and virtual photographers to name a few.

The goal is to connect each other, get inspired and have fun 🙂 As a hub, I use Discord and my social media accounts to promote the content of the discord community for free.

The Instagram account @pnk_fam showcases the best works of our members and the hashtag #pnkxfam is used by our members to gain more visibility.


With your support on Ko-fi (, you help me maintaining the YouTube channels, the discord server and the various social media platforms.

It enables me to create great content you can relax to and to build and develop the community around it, support other artists and make this a special place for all of us.

Everybody who supports me on a monthly base, gets a certain Discord role with premium and instant promotion of their content on Instagram.

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