This community is made for adults who collect Pokémon plush and other merch. Our community allows members to discuss new merch drops together, share photos of collections, and share new items and purchases. We have different pingable roles that members can select to be alerted of new merch drops or restocks at the Pokémon Center websites and other official sites.
We also provide resources to help people with anything collecting-related. We help people learn how to proxy merch from Japan and other countries. We assist people in identifying if plush are legitimate or bootlegs, search terms to find plush on secondhand markets, and help people find plush they want.
We have sales channels that require applications to use, but allow users to buy and sell items from each other. The sales channels also allow for splitting of unpurchased large lots through claims. Members will also host pickups from in-person stores, including stores like the Singapore Pokémon Center!