
Official PokéRogue Discord Server

Created: January 24, 2022

Members: 203006

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“PokéRogue” is a Pokémon fan game designed to be played directly through a web browser. It draws heavy inspiration from the roguelite genre, offering endless battles, item collection, and exploration across various biomes. Players can expect to push the limits of Pokémon stats while embarking on thrilling adventures in this unique gaming experience.

5/5 - (577 votes)

5 thoughts on “PokéRogue”

  1. The discord got nuked by a rogue mod, no one has perms anymore. We need a new server.

  2. Hola buenas tengo un problema con pokerogue lleva varias horas sin dejarme entra al juego hay alguna solución?? Gracias

  3. I can’t login for some reason after this latest.updated it won’t let me.play I’m a mobile player so my password was random n saved in browser I put a lot of work in I beat the game and jus got badged with Tikatuff Raichi And some random Shiney wit a level 2 Lokix..

  4. Hallo, komme nicht mehr ins Spiel rein seitdem ich mich abgemeldet habe. Name und Passwort stimmen, komme dennoch nicht rein. Hat jemand das selbe Problem? Wie lässt sich das beheben?

  5. hello sir, i accidentally press the key to log out ,and then i forget my password, could you help me with this, thanks you so much.

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