Progressive Muslims

We are an Islamic community server that is mainly suited for progressive Muslims but people of all religions are welcome

Progressive Muslims

Created: June 17, 2021

Members: 1149

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We are an Islamic community server that is mainly suited for progressive Muslims, but people of all religions are welcome! Our purpose is to provide a safe community for progressive Muslims and religious people to chat with each other, share their experiences, discuss progressive topics without being judged, and learn more about Islam and other people’s views. We also welcome non-religious members to join the community and learn about progressive Muslims.

We are willing to let traditional Muslims join the server even if we disagree on many things. However, they must acknowledge that debating them is not the purpose of this server. We are not scared to have honest criticism, but this server is primarily meant to be a place where progressive Muslims can meet up and chat without fear or hatred.

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A growing community of Muslims and members from all around the world.
️ A safe space for LGBTQ+, LGBTQ+ supportive Muslims, and ex-Muslims.
️ The opportunity to share Islamic views and thoughts in peace and without fear of condemnation.
A strict verification system and moderation to keep the server safe from takfiris, trolls, or anyone seeking to disrupt the community.
Community channels for people to share memes, music, photos, art, poetry, etc.
Well-organized channels for important resources relevant to Islam, history, science, and other topics.
Fun server activities such as book club, movie night, VC hangouts, and more.

Come join us!

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