Project Coltrane

Community reserved for Red Rover Interactive's Project Coltrane, an innovative and surprising PVP Survival game.

Project Coltrane

Created: August 10, 2023

Members: 1274

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Welcome aboard this titanic train, traveling through a wild, post-apocalyptic world. Welcome to Shirley!

You may be wondering what is Shirley?
Shirley is much more than a train, it is a social experiment where people are confined to limited spaces, where trust, betrayal, and rebellion are essential elements of human survival.

Your mission, should you decide to accept it (and believe me, you will want to), is to start your journey from the tail of the train and work your way up to the head, to the coveted locomotive to take control of the train and become the conductor, where you can make your own rules and enforce your own laws. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Think again!

But here’s the kicker: You won’t be traveling alone on this mad escapade. PvP clashes, alliances as shaky as a house of cards, and heart-pounding moments of chaos are lurking around every corner!

Build, craft, raid, kill and backstab everyone who gets on the train, carriage after carriage, victim after victim.

Alliances will be formed, betrayals will be made, death will be sudden….

But remember, every choice you make has weight, and the train is not just a means of travel, it is a realm unto itself, complete with its own rules, economy and social dynamics.

So will you rule with an iron fist or turn on the party? The train is yours to conquer, and the rules? Well, they’re yours and you can bend them!

Welcome to Shirley, where rules are made to be broken

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