A few things to know about us Quackens is that Our purpose at QSL has always been, and will continue to be creating a fun and competitive draft league environment for SMITE players ranging from beginners to grandmasters! We have, and will continue to utilize Franchise Communities in our league to promote connectivity and community engagement! Our Franchise Owners are an integral part in the layout of our league with an open forum for feedback and innovation.
Established in 2020 and one of the Longest Running Draft Leagues In North America Quacken Smite League continues to ensure SMITE players have a variety of competitive outlets. QSL typically runs 3 seasons per year! We have combined the weekly tournament with the Seasonal League Formats to offer options for players looking for alternative and unique Prizing opportunities. We Absolutely recognize the weekly importance of matches as much the end of season final battles. We hope to see you dive into the depths soon!