ralsei’s sillies

A place for Ralsei Enjoyers of any kind!

ralsei's sillies

Created: January 13, 2023

Members: 3539

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This server is a collection of Ralsei enjoyers primarily coming from the Daily Ralsei Twitter account. The members are rather silly, and you can never be too silly! You’re always welcome to be your true silly self in this server. Here, you can be passionate about Boy. Is there anything more you could ask for?!

Aside from the community, another primary feature of this server is the emojis! Most of the emotes are drawn by Daily Ralsei, while others are drawn by prominent artists in the Ralsei community. We have hundreds of emojis and stickers, animated or not! The server sillies constantly suggest new emojis for creation in the future, so be sure to subscribe to the server’s announcements and get the Truck Freak notification role to get instant updates on new emotes!

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