RDC Gaming

RDC Gaming is a 28 year old multi game community focused on kindness, respect and good fun. Happy gaming and enjoy!

RDC Gaming

Created: July 18, 2023

Members: 2087

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RDC Gaming was founded 28 years ago on the principal that the member is the most important part of a community. Since we were founded in the early 1990’s, RDC Gaming has supported games like World of Warcraft, Everquest, Tera Online, Warframe and many more PC Games.

In 2015 RDC Gaming moved to console gaming supporting titles like Starfield, MK1, SF6, Sea of Thieves, Diablo 4, Call of Duty, Destiny 2, Forza and Tekken. To date, we have grown in membership and we welcome members from all over the world into our highly organized community.

RDC Gaming is also about promoting gamers and their careers. This is why we have partnered and co-founded the United Gaming Collective. This is a collaboration between multiple other discord communities to offer a variety of services to members from streaming to tournaments to casual play RDC Gaming has it all.

Charity is also at the heart of why we do what we do. RDC Gaming is a proud support of Gamers Outreach. An organization dedicated to providing disabled children in hospitals with consoles, controllers and player 2 volunteers who show up day after day to play with the children. We believe in doing our part to better the environment in online gaming.

Being a casual gamer or a hard core tournament player, RDC Gaming is your one stop shop for all things gaming. We thank you for taking the time to review our landing page and we hope to see you on our servers real soon!

RDC Administration

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