Red Alert – IGNITED

IGNITED is the largest international Community of Lineage 2 Players, currently playing on L2 Reborn

Red Alert - IGNITED

Created: May 13, 2022

Members: 1137

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This community was born on L2 Reborn on May 13th 2022, founded by Thesys alongside a group of core members which have been playing together under the clan tag “Invictus” since its original foundation in 2007.

We like to describe ourselves as a band of brothers. We have each other’s backs and , even before being a Clan, we are a tight Community who looks after its members.

We value being righteous and virtuous, true and courageous in the face of odds. Our way is to behave honorably: you won’t see our members flaming, insulting, stealing or cheating simply because this is not who we are.

Throughout the years we have been true to ourselves and have built a remarkable network of 1000+ Active Players, which positions us as one of the largest active International L2 communities.

But we are far from being just a Friendly Community: wherever we go, we make a difference. Castles, Epics, Mass PVPs is what we are experienced at and we never shy away from joining the fight and making a lasting impression.

That’s who we are. We do the right thing. play fair, collaborate transparently to deliver impressive performances and have a good time doing it.

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