Rise of the Witch-king 2.02 Community

The official server for RotWK Patch 2.02. Host of the largest active competitive community.

Rise of the Witch-king 2.02 Community

Created: September 02, 2017

Members: 4323

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The Patch 2.02 Community server is a safe space for all Rise of the Witch-king fans, particularly those who appreciate the original vision EA had for the game.

The main goal of the server is to promote community growth and ensure players from all corners of the globe can come together and enjoy RotWK. We provide technical support, gameplay strategy support, replay reviews, and post regular tips and guides for the community. We also host an archive of information on the game’s units, structures, and abilities.

The server is the main point of contact with the Patch 2.02 Team. Here we share our progress with the community and elicit feedback.

Development of Patch 2.02 follows EA’s original vanilla vision of the game. We provide regular patch updates focused on balance, bug fixes, and introduction of EA backed features such as new quality visuals and audio.

Why should you join? We’re an open community with a family-like approach to member growth. Players can reach out to anyone including the 2.02 Team staff and are free to ask questions and create their own legacy!

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