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Created: May 12, 2021

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What is the RSK Network? ➡️ RSK is the first open source Smart Contract platform secured by the Bitcoin Network. RSK adds value and expand functionality to the Bitcoin ecosystem by providing smart contracts and greater scalability. RSK mainnet was launched on January 3, 2018.

How you can create smart contracts in RSK? ➡️ RSK Mainnet was released in early January 2018. The latest major version is called Orchid. All the necessary project information and the “Getting Started” guide can be found in our GitHub repository:

What is the smart contract language? ➡️ Solidity is the language of the smart contracts.

What is RBTC ? ➡️ RBTC is the native token of the RSK Live Mainnet and is pegged 1:1 to BTC. It’s used as gas to pay for Smart Contract execution in the same way ETH is used as gas for Ethereum. Technical users can obtain RBTC in a decentralized way by converting to and from BTC by using the bridge between the Bitcoin and RSK protocols.
RBTC is also available in exchanges, increasing accessbility. You can find a list of RBTC exchanges as well as RBTC-supported wallets here:

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