
Welcome To Ropix's Official Discord Community Server. Here you can chat with others and keep up to date with Ropix.


Created: August 15, 2017

Members: 1750

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Welcome To Ropix’s Official Discord Community Server.
If you are curious or don’t know, Ropix is a YouTuber with over 10k Subscribers and enjoys doing content creation that is related to Roblox.
Ropix’s Discord server is welcome to all ages above 13 (going with Discord’s Terms and Service and is a fun place for all users.
What can you do in the server?
You can chat with new people everyday.
See at Realtime whenever Ropix uploads a new video/announcement/Post on social media.
Participate in Giveaways and Discord only events.
Have the chance to be in a video on Ropix’s channel.

What are you waiting for?
Hop on in the server and enjoy your time here at Ropix’s Discord Server

And make sure to follow the rules, im sure almost every discord server tells you that

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