Rowdy Knights Club | Free Mint

Our server specializes in defi, we offer alpha calls, U.S stock calls, forex signals, amazon arbitrage, sports betting..

Rowdy Knights Club | Free Mint

Created: April 29, 2022

Members: 3325

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is the #1 self-improvement community & mint day is NOVEMBER 18TH 2022. WHITELIST price is 3 SOL and PUBLIC price is 4 SOL and they will be minting 4000 KNIGHTS for the first round. Their art is already done and generated. @here

✅ The utility is a website/app for creators to make money and it’s written in house by

✅ The discord server has different money making opportunities in the web3 world such as alpha calling, web3 job postings that you can apply to from their server, channels streaming the price movement of trending NFTs, stocks and cryptos, sports betting, Amazon flips etc.

✅ A team of coders continuously developing more discord bots, web3 websites, and apps based on suggestions of the (RKC) community. For example the current alpha, stocks and forex calls come from a bot they made and is sourced by real life alpha callers.

✅ DAO technologies such as polls and forums to make business decisions for the RKC community

The ROADMAP can be found on their webpage:

The synthesized ROADMAP version

➡️ Listing on Magic Eden,Solanart
➡️ $ROWDY Staking
➡️ Empowering creators
➡️ Community Driven

To join the WHITELIST, do the following

1️⃣ Join their DC :
2️⃣ Follow them on Twitter and retweet one of the posts with a video attached:
3️⃣ Post proof by opening a ticket & a collab manager will give you an RKC whitelist role
4️⃣ We will start collecting addresses 5 days before mint date


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