☕ Data Breakfast

Community about Data and Machine Learning. Weekly social events for sharing knowledge, asking questions, and networking!

☕ Data Breakfast

Created: August 26, 2020

Members: 2555

Join Discord Server

Welcome to the Data Breakfast Discord server! Our community is all about discussing Data, Machine Learning and everything related to it. Every week we have social events where members can come together to share their knowledge and experience, ask questions, and network with like-minded individuals. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, there’s a place for you in our community. We also have various channels for discussing specific topics, sharing resources, and getting help with projects. We look forward to having you join us!

Our weekly events:
☕ Data Breakfast
Leet Code
Random Kaggle
️ Random Pepper
Practical ML
Algorithmic Trading

DataBreakfast Worldwide Presence:

5/5 - (1 голос)

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