Welcome to Saakuru Labs, an L2 blockchain built on the Oasys platform (EVM-based). Our goal is to empower developers, en


Created: September 24, 2021

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Saakuru is an L2 blockchain built on the Oasys platform (EVM-based). Our goal is to empower developers, enabling them to harness the full potential of blockchain without the constraints of gas fees. Dive into the world of decentralized applications (dApps) and experience unparalleled on-chain activities.

Saakuru aims to solve the problem for all. Whether you are a game studio, a grocery store, or a financial institution, Saakuru can be the blockchain for you.

Saakuru is a permissioned chain and contract deployer wallet must be whitelisted to deploy a smart contract. The restriction is currently not imposed in testnet and you can deploy without being whitelisted first.

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