Sapphire – Imagine a scarework

Welcome to the Sapphire Discord server! The next-gen object-oriented Discord.js bot framework can be found here.

Sapphire - Imagine a scarework

Created: July 27, 2020

Members: 2050

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Sapphire is a place where we hang out and chat about every topic. Whether you’re nerdy and just want to talk about nerd culture, or you’re a bot developer and you want to use the Sapphire framework, you’ll find a place in this server.

With Sapphire you can write simple or advanced, amazing and easy to maintain Discord bots that can scale from below 100 to tens of thousands of servers without sacrificing any performance. Sapphire has been written with performance in mind.

Stop maintaining your own command framework and embrace the awesomeness that is Sapphire!

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