
The official Satoxcoin (SATOX) Community. Discuss and ask any questions you have about this POW / P2E / POG Coin.


Created: March 17, 2022

Members: 2367

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SATOXCOIN (SATOX) is primarily about safety and privacy of your funds. As in BTC code transactions are unreversable and there is no way to block any single wallet in the network. Also, SATOX aims to stay POW GPU based blockchain. All of the above makes SATOX decentralized and free of censorship.

We believe that only POW GPU based blockchains are truly decentralized and free of censorship. Everyone should have opportunity to continue home mining in post 2022, so SATOX will always be a POW oriented chain. The SATOX project has a primary mission to implement POG, but only in split consensus with POW. True crypto was founded with concept of POW mining, and shall remain so on in future.

We have taken a unique approach to Play2Earn,we are redefining the concept and we believe this is the correct way to earn crypto rewards in 2023, you can play your favorite game on STEAM, there’s no restrictions on servers, play like normal and earn your fair share of SATOX, but absolute POW / POG consensus is our ultimate goal.

SATOX uses KAWPOW algorithm, its mainly known to people mining RAVENCOIN, but its also supports other cryptocurrencies like SATOX. The algorithm is protected against ASIC which leads to potential centralization. SATOX is a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, many cryptocurrencies are decentralized networks based on blockchain technology distributed ledger enforced by a disparate network of computers. A defining feature of cryptocurrencies is that they are generally not issued by any central authority, rendering them theoretically immune to government interference or manipulation.


SATOX – Homepage

SATOX – Whitepapper / Roadmap

SATOX – Explorer

SATOX – Asset Explorer

SATOX – Docs


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