Special Containment Procedures Foundations, otherwise known as SCPF groups are a type of roleplay group found throughout Roblox that are inspired by the SCP wiki. Groups in this genre usually simulate working for a organization tasked with locating, containing, and researching various anomalies, known as SCP’s.
Gameplay at SCPF groups varies depending on the rank the members have. If a user is at the rank of Class-D, their gameplay experience generally involves participating in tests as a test subject, rioting with various stolen and/or bought weapons and tools, and attempting to escape the SCP facility they’re in. If a user is considered Foundation Personnel, their gameplay experience can vary depending on their exact rank and the departments and/or subdepartments they are a member of. The staple of SCPF games are the SCP’s users can interact with. Each SCP is different from one another and is generally based on the SCP’s within the SCP wiki, although some SCPF games include original entities, creatures, and/or phenomena.
SCPF groups typically utilize group ranks to determine who can do what in their group.