


Created: January 27, 2022

Members: 67365

Join Discord Server

Sentri is a server with members from all over the world, looking for people to talk and interact with. It is a stox server which allow members to express themselves however they please. Overboard actions such as offence topics about religion and race are not permitted so that we can keep our community a safe and fun environment for members to stay in, while still being able to express themselves.

We offer: active uploads of icons, banner. Many active pms, gws, active staff, fun roles, exciting perks for boosters, cheap successful promos which will increase your servers development quickly, and open opportunities for members to show off their beauty by uploading their pictures.

What we look for: more active members to join our staff team, pms, pojs, active uploaders so that we can expand our decorative categories, and boosters to help with server growth.

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