
SeraphimSL shares promotional sales created by residents of the Second Life game community. Server hosts giveaways too.


Created: October 03, 2018

Members: 2471

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Whether you are searching for event exclusives, main store promotions, or marketplace listings, Seraphim has you covered. Every blog that is published on the website is featured as an announcement on our server as well. We welcome you to follow these announcement channels and share them with your Second Life community servers too.
If you are a designer or blogger, we encourage you to share your work with our community. Aside from the sales, Seraphim also uploads videos on YouTube. There are often discussions that take place within the server when Seraphim live-streams its SeraCast episodes.
Lastly, Seraphim hosts monthly trivia games offering members the chance to win linden dollars that can be used to make purchases within the Second Life game. We welcome you to the server and look forward to bringing you the same quality here that you’ve come to love and expect from our website. Thank you for being a part of Seraphim.

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