Previously known as MHA Paradise, we are a server dedicated with providing members with the most up-to-date news about their favorite anime, such as My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Black Clover, , Jujutsu Kaisen, One Punch Man, and more!
Run by the Youtuber Plot Armor (over 520K members!) and Atsushi (140K followers on Twitter!), this server gives you the most recent news and leaks from your favorite anime and manga, as well as MHA leaks and panels DAYS before the official release!
Stay ahead of the curve, and know everything you need to know about your favorite series, before they are officially posted. With an active community of over 35000 members, we have daily events, nitro giveaways, movie and anime watching sessions.
Spend time with the community, your favorite content creators, and have fun!