SCP: Roleplay is an awesomeness SCP Genre Roblox game.
We’re a custom site in SCP: Roleplay named Site-87.
Site-87 is a research site which located in Douglas County, Wisconsin, USA, established in September 1976 to oversee the containment of a minor anomaly in the town of Sloth’s Pit. In that same month, researchers discovered that Sloth’s Pit was a highly active Nexus, an inhabited zone with a high concentration of anomalous phenomena and assigned the sole directive of studying and containing Nexus-18. The primary goal of Site-87 is to research and catalog anomalies in Sloth’s Pit, however, it is also the headquarters of the Department of Multi-Universal Affairs, Pataphysics and Nexological Studies, as well as serving as a regional command for the Midwestern USA.