Sola Theologia

A Christian theological discussion community focused on faith, integrity, charitability, and fellowship.

Sola Theologia

Created: May 16, 2022

Members: 1532

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Do you enjoy discussing, debating, and/or learning about Christian theology? Are you interested in making friends who have the same passion for studying Christianity? If so, Sola Theologia is the server for you! At Sola Theologia, we bring together a diverse community of individuals from across Christendom (and beyond!) for deep theological discussions, lively debates, focused study, helpful resources, and meaningful fellowship. We frequently discuss topics ranging from soteriology, to eschatology, to the ante-nicene fathers, the ecumenical councils, doctrinal creeds, the writings of various theologians, and much more! Our community’s doors are open to individuals of all faith backgrounds, whether you’re a lay theologian, a clergyman, or someone who is new to the study of Christian theology, you’re welcome to join us! We are committed to fostering a community built on honesty, graciousness, charitability, respect for others’ beliefs, open-mindedness, compassion, personal growth, and a sense of belonging. We believe that everyone, regardless of their background or level of experience, has something valuable to contribute to our discussions and fellowship, and we welcome all who share our desire to learn and grow in their faith. Our ultimate goal is to foster an environment where individuals can engage in thoughtful discussions and fellowship, gain new insights into the Christian faith, and deepen their connection with God.

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