
SquirtleArk.com official Discord server. Your new favorite ARK: Survival Evolved server.


Created: August 06, 2017

Members: 5069

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Welcome to SquirtleArk Discord.

Join us for updates, information on joining, and interacting with our ARK: Survival Evolved community.

SquirtleArk are the fastest growing, high-speed ARK servers.

We run three clusters with customized coding, mods, & plugins.

Cluster 1: 15x No-Wipe Modded PvP with Offline Raid Protection, New Player Protection, Starter Kits, and more.

Cluster 2: 50x No-Wipe Modded Primal Fear PvE cluster with events and thousands of dinosaur variants ready to tame and explore.

Cluster 3: 25x No-Wipe Modded ARK Omega PvE Cluster with customized features, thousands of variants, explore to your hearts content!

Join now to become a part of the SquirtleArk community.

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