Straight Struggle

Muslim and "gay"? We simply provide a safe space where people can seek advice from others dealing with SSA issue.

Straight Struggle

Created: March 09, 2020

Members: 1176

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As-salamu ‘alaykum!
This group was established by the StraightWay Foundation with the aim of providing a safe environment of interaction and mutual support for same-gender attracted Muslims.

Muslim and worried that you might be “gay”? Wondering how to deal with your same-sex attractions? Looking for advice from Muslims in a similar situation? If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then this group is the place for you! Please note that we do NOT claim to have a cure for same-sex attractions, we simply want to provide a safe and open environment where people can air their concerns and seek advice from others dealing with the same issues surrounding their SSA.

We do not condone nor do we believe in so called “conversion” therapy

Some members are single, some are married and other are divorcees. We do not claim that marriage is for everyone nor do we claim that it is a cure for SSA. It is a personal decision for each and every person.

To make it clear: the group position is that of mainstream Islam, namely that SSA in and of themselves are not haram in Islam. What is haram are any sexual actions outside of marriage between a man and a woman. We do NOT condone any sort of violence towards anyone based on their desires and lifestyle but will present the correct Islamic views against anyone who tries to advocate haram actions as part of Islam. Above all, we believe people dealing with SSA deserve our love, compassion and respect.


1. Opinions expressed by members are solely those of the members and do not necessarily reflect those of the admins of the server.

2. We respect people’s experiences when it comes to topics such as therapy and SSA. Decisions as to whether or not any kind of therapy is appropriate are left to the members and their consultations with medical professionals.

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