Study-oriented server with a productive environment and strict accountability.✨24/7 Virtual study rooms and study bots


Created: March 11, 2021

Members: 6182

Join Discord Server

This server has a community of students from different countries and culture and this provides everything which you need like pomodoro timer, task list, reminder, scheduled sessions, cam only study rooms, lofi, notes sharing, doubts solving, discussion on studies, etc.
If you are looking for company with same goal, you can ask for study buddy.
Join study channels for accountability and motivation.
If someone needs privacy then there are different limit channels and you can create your own study channel and can modify it like lock/unlock, hide/unhide, rename, etc according to you.
To keep your motivation alive, participate in study challenges and try to get a better rank on leader board every week.
Get study badges on behalf of your hard work and time you spend in study channels.
It also provides you some fun activities like gaming bot, fun commands, music, movie nights, events.
But don’t worry if these things disturbs you, you can modify server too
you can hide the channels which are not require.
So come and join us
To make your studies more exciting and for bright future.

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