Supernatural Realms

A community for fans of the Buffyverse and the Supernatural TV series! We also love other supernatural genre shows here!

Supernatural Realms

Created: January 16, 2022

Members: 1190

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Are you a fan of the Buffyverse and Supernatural? Then come and join us as we hunt and slay the Supernatural. We are a welcoming SFW community for fans of supernatural-themed shows and movies! Join our weekly re-runs of our most favorite shows like the Buffyverse and Supernatural! We are a family with a supportive staff team that ensures our server continues to be a safe environment with zero toxicity. Come and join the family! We don’t bite!

➟ Loads of awesome reaction roles
➟ Many cool emotes and stickers
➟ Additional emote servers
➟ Multiple fun bot games
➟ Exp. level-up system with role rewards
➟ RPG category for our role players
➟ Supernatural the series discussions
➟ Buffyverse discussions
➟ Buffyverse and Supernatural re-runs
➟ Many events and giveaways

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