Nintendo Switch Hacking & Homebrew Support. https://switchway.net


Created: October 07, 2020

Members: 11494

Join Discord Server

Switchway was created by a small group of people with a common interest in Switch hacking. After meeting on Discord in 2019 we were disappointed with the lack of decent guides and resources available to the Switch hacking community. To address this, we decided to open our own Discord server in 2020 with a focus on creating quality Switch hacking guides, as well as offering a friendly place to get additional support.

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One thought on “SWiTCHWAY”

  1. The mods will warn you for rules that don’t apply, the server’s dead compared to what it used to be, and if you get upset and leave some of the mods will harrass you in DMs and you can’t even report them to the other mods because you can’t DM any mods unless they add you, even if you’re in the server, there’s no way to report ANYthing, so all admin abuse is literally just allowed. If you try to join and add the mods to talk to them, you just get banned for having an alt, even if the original reason you were banned was because a mod regretted DMing you to call you a pussy and deleted it, blocked, and banned you

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