The ADHD Indian

The ADHD support group for Indians on Discord! Join in for helpful info, experiences, strategies and emotional support.

The ADHD Indian

Created: February 04, 2021

Members: 1855

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Long Description:
The short description is boring. My basic friend wrote it. Here’s all the fun stuff you can do:
– Connect with other cool ADHDers and make new friends
– Ask any ADHD related question under the sun.
– Find the right doctors for diagnosis to rest the doubts in your head.
– Get proper treatment to finally manage your ADHD.
– Get cool tips and strategies to hack your ADHD.
– Rant about how shitty the system is (or literally anything else).
– Get accountability to finish that task you’ve been putting off for too long.

So join us and find an amazing and helpful community.

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