The Legendary Wookie

“My goal is to coach new players how to play World of Warships and make them a better player.” (Wookie_Legend)

The Legendary Wookie

Created: May 30, 2018

Members: 3687

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Our non-toxic, super friendly community on Discord is special because it has created an environment where everyone is welcome. We have intentionally created a space that is free from negativity, drama, and toxicity, which has attracted individuals who value positivity, respect, and kindness. This welcoming atmosphere has helped members to feel like they belong and can express themselves without fear of judgement or criticism.

The community’s respectful nature is another reason that it is so special. It provides a space where adults of all ages can come together and feel comfortable. This inclusivity has allowed members to form meaningful relationships with others who share their interests and values. The community’s members are supportive, encouraging, and willing to help others, creating a sense of camaraderie that is hard to find in other online communities.

In conclusion, what makes our super friendly community on Discord so special is the positive and welcoming atmosphere that we have intentionally created. By fostering a culture of kindness, inclusivity, and respect, we have constructed a unique and special online community where individuals of all adult ages and backgrounds can come together, feel comfortable, and make meaningful connections with others.

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