The Nexus

It’s a free discourse server where people from all walks of life come to expose their points of view to others

The Nexus

Created: June 10, 2023

Members: 3142

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No worries my goal is unite humanity expose different people point of views that help each other grow and question our own beliefs also if possible come to an understanding. Originally we started off from another large server it was a place where all different sorts of people gathered and sometimes through changed my life and many of the founding members of Nexus as well. Then a change of management occurred causing a very strict rule set that could get you banned for practically whatever reason. Causing many splinter servers to arise from that one large server. I and my cofounder set out to start our own server we originally had another called the gate but the man who was going to hand it to us refused to do so we started “the activist hub” that we now know as “the nexus” we see today.” We had a staff meeting of what the new name should be and Nexus was one of them. We allowed the community to vote for it and our current name won out. The name Nexus refers to a series of events that led to one another and we decided to set on a path to unify all the splinter servers under one banner which is our server and imitate the same energy and ecosystem that cause innovation and exploration of ideas we had originally that we no could do in the original server anymore

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