The Outer Rim

The Outer Rim is a game on the ROBLOX platform, the game is a player ran economy with multiple factions from Star Wars!

The Outer Rim

Created: January 15, 2022

Members: 1357

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The Outer Rim allows players to progress within the game on their own terms, earning money in many ways. One such way being to join The Galactic Empires’ campaign to conquer the outer rim, receiving a paycheck as an imperial soldier, or siding with The Rebel Alliance in fighting against the empire’s conquest. Those who do not want to take sides in the vast galactic conflict can find employment as doctors, miners, farmers, gunsmiths, mechanics, and many more by exchanging credits with other players for their services. Eventually, a player will require protection against the ruthless residents of the outer rim by purchasing properties. With earned credits, players construct customized houses, crew hangouts, storage rooms, or stores to sell various services and items to other players. Join or form criminal organizations or crews and expand in influence, income, and reputation by conquering turf and building up your faction’s resources. The Outer Rim is ruthless, and players and factions will try to steal or take advantage of each other at every turn, so be careful of whom you trust and always remain on guard. Players with allegiances only to credits can always work for themselves by freelancing as mercenaries or bounty hunters to protect merchants from scoundrels or bandits looking for an easy score. The Outer Rim is an unforgiving place not recommended for the faint of heart, death will result in the loss of all unstored items, and other players will try to kill and loot each other’s corpses at every turn, so never drop your guard. The Galactic Empire, Rebels, and Mandalorians, are no more than tourists. The Outer Rim has always been the center of The Criminal Underworlds dominion full of opportunities for those with the ambition to have it all. However, if you want a smooth and effortless experience, you have come to the wrong place.

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