The Owl Collective

This is an Algorand NFT server for The Owl Collective, a collection of 3 NFT Projects featuring owls.

The Owl Collective

Created: August 11, 2021

Members: 1138

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This is a community/server for The Owl Collective and its NFT holders. The Owl Collective features the creations of AlgoTheOwl (AtO): AlgoOwls, AOWLs, and Baby Hoot Group. It aims to be an entry point to a welcoming NFT community on Algorand.

The AOWL NFTs can be used in a simple battle royale-like Discord game called Among AOWLs. In addition, AOWL NFT holders can also access to the web-based game that pays homage to Flappy Bird: Flappy Owl.

The X:1 Burn-to-Mint (BtM) is a mechanism that is available for the Baby Hoot Group. Through BtM, people can burn up to 6 Baby Hoot NFTs at once to pseudo-customize and mint a new Baby Hoot!

Finally, The Owl Collective has its own community token, called HOOT. The HOOT Tokens is distributed to holders of any of the owls in the series. In addition, people can receive HOOT Tokens by winning a round in the Among AOWLs Discord game. The HOOT Token is required for the BtM mechanism, entering raffles, and other use cases that are being considered by AtO.

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