The Quilt Project

The official community server for The Quilt Project - a new modding platform for Minecraft. Safe, inclusive, friendly.


Created: March 06, 2021

Members: 5838

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This is the official community server for The Quilt Project. Artwork by **@iroki_sueun** on Twitter.

The Quilt project is an open-source, community-driven modding toolchain designed primarily for Minecraft. By focusing on speed, ease of use and modularity, Quilt aims to provide a sleek and modern modding toolchain with an open ecosystem.

As a community, our server aims to be an inclusive space for people of all groups – racial, sexual, identity-related, disability-related, and otherwise. We realise that the spaces that came before us often failed at these goals, and apply strict moderation via a friendly community team that understands minority group issues via their direct experience, to ensure that everyone is kept comfortable and safe, away from those that would seek to harm them.

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