The Stellar Cartographers’ Guild

This is the social hub for the SCG. An Elite Dangerous exploration guild open to all explorers.

The Stellar Cartographers' Guild

Created: May 01, 2021

Members: 1261

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This server is a relaxed social hub for explorers based in the Elite Dangerous gaming community. We are a low commitment and low salt group that love exploring the galaxy.

Joining the Guild does not obligate you to do certain things or play a certain way. Play your way and fly what you love! We also have an in-game Squadron if you choose to participate in that with us. We don’t do BGS. The Squadron is for leaderboard participation.

Most explorers are alone in the black. The SCG gives you a place to call home and share what you’re doing with other like minded explorers. We regularly host expeditions and other exploration related events if you want to be with a group. We have a wide knowledge base of information and friendly Commanders always willing to help and answer questions.
So weather you are alone in the black or out on expedition with a group, you’ll always have a home and friends to chat with.

We hope to see you black Commanders O7

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