Welcome Lizzid Peeple!
Hey everyone, I’m sure you all know the Head Nerd In Charge AJ… You might know him from Discovery, Sirius-XM, A&E, MTV and Joe Rogan.
The Why Files is a channel for people who are fascinated (obsessed) with science, science-fiction, bizarre history, weird facts, strange places, conspiracies and unusual people. Join us as we learn about the mysteries of the universe and have a few laughs along the way.
We hope you enjoy your experience here with us.. Thank you all so much!
A huge server that is very active, which may or may not be a good thing depending on your personality. There are (currently as of this comment) 24k people on the server but the only people that seem to speak are people with “special” roles (colored names) who either boosted the server or is a patreon member. If you are one of those, you get to be one of the very special people who get to post links or gifs and if you are NOT one of those people and you happen to be introverted or a quiet type, you may as well NOT EXIST. I watched this server for a while and decided that this very clique-ish space was not for me and my husband said if he had seen the same behavior, he also would have left. I understand that you can run your server however you like, but seeing something in someones bio (one of the higher ups) “This is NOT a democracy” just gave me bad feelings. Seeing only the special in crowd speaking and joking with each other and then having anything you say (being one of the lowly uncolored named people who didn’t give them money) being ignored made me think that only those who enjoy being completely ignored and pushed aside for fun would be willing to stay. Frankly, the whole thing feels toxic and I thought it was going to be a fun and friendly server, but honestly it just feels like high school all over again. Will anyone read this? Does this even matter? Leaving this here made me feel better in any case.
Only join this server if you are A) very extroverted and/or B) willing to fork over money to the server owner.
Gimme a K..
Gimme an A..
Gimme an R..
ETC ETC Just sayin.. I enjoyed high school..
If you want to be heard you have to speak up. You by your own admission say that you are quiet and introverted yet at the same time say you want to be heard. Like most places in life. You have to speak up or draw attention to yourself. I don’t know of any discords that have someone who, if they haven’t heard from you. They check in on you to make sure you are fine and if there is anything you had to say. What I have noticed is that either here or on premiere nights during live chat. It feels like one big family . A family whose love of the why files has brought them together. If it wasn’t, it obviously wouldn’t be as popular as it is. What I think happened is that you recently discovered “the why files” and because your friends had never heard of it or anyone you asked. You felt like it was your little secret and you decided to get in deeper and went to the discord. But realized just how popular it was upon arriving. You thought they were small and should be thankful you were there and because they weren’t or no one noticed you. You somehow felt like angry and how dare they. But that’s not their fault and it’s nothing personal. Hopefully you understand.
Can I please be unblocked? This is my favorite discord and youtube l and I’m also a patron member, I understand i by the standards of the site broke the rules. If given another chance I promise to abide by them. I understand I upset a few It was never my intention while at the time I accused a mod of singling me out and I’m sure he was just doing his job. please allow me to prove my words I miss browsing chat while at work. sincerely your fan Jeff Perryman ( sensiponics)
Well, if anybody has fallen far enough down the rabbit-hole to read this reply from a stingy Brit who is impoverished, loves the “Why Files” but just doesn’t have the cash to throw towards an enterprise that my paltry contribution would affect not one iota.
Still, IF anybody does consider my opinion worthy of inspection, let me just say that the BIGGEST asset that humanity enjoys is that everybody is different.
Boy what a dull, drab world it would be if almost everybody was as good as indistinguishable.
I am a proud weirdo (No, not the kiddie-fiddler or necrophilia type of weird), but I have been known to indulge in heroic doses of psychedelics from the age of 16 (I have somehow survived to 58) so I wave my freak flag with abandon and I just wanted to shout “HELLO” from Camden Town, London UK
You are MY people!
I need to talk to someone about something that happened to me. I can’t get it out of my mind. I’m not afraid but it’s bizarre and very true. Please contact me I’m trying to get in touch with William Shatner or someone famous. That will listen to me. It’s really spooky please contact me, I’ll give you my number if you want you can call me or leave a message
Dont know if this is the right spot but I was wondering if A.J. and Hecklefish could do a show on the Zodiac killer in the S.F. bay area during 60’and 70’s. If you do it would be great. If so could you please e-mail me back and let me know. Thank you Rick Camacho