Together Java

Need Java help? We got plenty! Lots of friendly volunteers to help you learn Java or chat about everyday things.

Together Java

Created: January 22, 2017

Members: 26105

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Need Java help? We got plenty! Lots of friendly volunteers to help you learn Java or chat about everyday things.

Our community exists since 2016 and we have grown quite large ever since then. We are proud to be one of the most active and biggest Java communities out there, with about 50 questions asked and answered each day.

The main focus of the community is to provide people of all knowledge levels, but especially newcomers, help with their questions. It is comparable to StackOverflow, users ask questions and helpers provide assistance. Everything offered on our server is completely free and we also provide assistance with other topics and programming languages. Including, but not limited to: Android, Kotlin, Python, JavaScript, C/C++ and helping people to set foot on the job market.

We also have a very actively developed open-source community bot on GitHub:

The bot mostly acts as opportunity for newcomers to learn about meta topics besides pure programming, such as git, code reviews, linters and other processes common in open source projects and in job life of a developer.

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