Triple Trouble Wurm

We organize daily Triple Trouble runs (three-headed wurm WB in Bloodtide Coast) on EU servers, provide info and guides.

Triple Trouble Wurm

Created: January 09, 2018

Members: 12281

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Do you like playing Guild Wars 2 and want to kill some wurms, preferably three-headed ones? Then this is the right place for you!
Join our community, find all the info about the Triple Trouble event and how to join for daily organized runs, and have fun together 🙂

Join in and chat about the event, the game in general, and share fun pictures and stories. Or just hang out in voice chat and listen in.

Also, we offer guides and teach the roles that are needed for the event. It’s a great way to get involved!

What is Triple Trouble?
Triple Trouble is a big world boss event in Bloodtide Coast. Three great wurms spawn at different locations on the map and need to be decapitated within the same minute. Also, each head has a unique mechanic for making it vulnerable. As rewards you can look forward to many achievements, five mastery points for joining a few runs, 2 gold and possibly ascended armor among other loot.

We organize the event every day, with full explanations before the event and call-outs during the event.

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