Tripo AI

Tripo AI generates 3D models by text or images in seconds. Discord Bot supports animation and Roblox/Minecraft assets.

Tripo AI

Created: November 13, 2023

Members: 8501

Join Discord Server

This server is for Tripo AI creators and developers global community. Tripo AI is a 3D generative tool that can generate 3D models using text or images in just 8 seconds. Tripo AI is also capable of auto-rigging and animation. Now our Discord bots can download your 3D models directly in Roblox/Minecraft format. We will host weekly community 3D challenges and also other big events and competitions. Moreover, we have free giveaways every week.
The ultimate goal of Tripo AI is to let everyone become the super creator in 3D era. We try our best to remove the enter barrier for anyone who is interested in 3D.
We also have OpenAPI and a supporting system for developers in our community to build your own amazing projects/games.

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