This is the official TSL Discord server in conjunction with the official TSL List Website.
This list is designed for players who are looking for a fun way to improve at the game while still being able to play their favourite extremes/levels.
The core concept was started as a trend by RealOptagonus 6-7 years ago, and has since propagated into a full list of the hardest sh*tty levels on the Geometry Dash servers currently.
The list itself extends from the #1 hardest all the way down to the #150 hardest, with a couple levels in legacy. If your level falls off the list don’t worry! We constantly update the Legacy List doc with levels that fall off the list entirely, so your hard work doesn’t go to waste!
We have a very friendly community who are willing to help out in practically any situation, whether it be level creation, needing someone to talk to, or just wanting to have some fun 😀
TSL is a nice sidegrade to other ways of skill-improvement like the NLW spreadsheet or IDL, and you may find that it helps you way more than you think!