The ultimate hub for Canadian ONCEs! Get the latest Twice updates, connect with fellow fans, and engage in lively chats.


Created: March 23, 2023

Members: 2356

Join Discord Server

uD83CuDF41 Join our TWICE server for Canadian ONCEs! uD83CuDF41

Looking to connect with fellow Canadian ONCEs? Our vibrant server is the perfect place to unite with fans who share your love for TWICE. Engage in lively discussions, stay updated on the latest news, and participate in exciting fandom activities.

uD83CuDFAE Game Nights and Movie Nights: Get ready for some fun-filled evenings! Join our game nights and our movie nights that provide fun for everyone!

uD83CuDF89 Concert Connection: Experience the thrill of being united with your fellow Canadian ONCEs at TWICE concerts! Our server features a unique section where you can see who will be sitting in your section at upcoming concerts. Connect with fans attending the same event, plan meetups, and share the excitement leading up to the concert day.

uD83DuDCAC Interactive Community: Engage in lively discussions about TWICE’s music, performances, and more. Share your thoughts, opinions, and insights with other passionate fans who understand your love for TWICE. Our server encourages a supportive and inclusive atmosphere, fostering friendships and connections that go beyond fandom.

uD83CuDF1F Local Events and Initiatives: Discover TWICE events, fan gatherings, and initiatives happening in Canada. Connect with Onces in your area, plan local meetups, and celebrate TWICE’s music together. The server serves as a valuable resource for finding local TWICE related activities that you won’t want to miss.

Join our TWICE server for Canadian ONCEs today and become part of a passionate community where you can share your love for TWICE, connect with like-minded fans, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Don’t miss out on the chance to experience TWICE’s music and fandom in a uniquely Canadian context. Let’s celebrate TWICE together! uD83CuDF89uD83CuDDE8uD83CuDDE6

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