TxL STW Lounge

This is a server where you can chat with people in the STW community! We offer trade chats, giveaways, and much more...

TxL STW Lounge

Created: June 26, 2023

Members: 4588

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TxL STW Lounge | 4.1k+ Members | Fastest Growing STW Discord Server

This server is based off the content creator TxBigALxLife. We offer tons of chats such as trade chat, and mission help, and many service chats. Here’s a list of all the other stuff we off here at TxL:

〔 〕Mini Games – Get STW Rewards from grinding mini games!

〔 〕STW Giveaways – Daily Giveaways

〔 ‍♂️〕STW Services – Middleman, Builder, Crafter, Sherpa

〔 ️〕Server Staff – Great Staff/Staff Opportunities

〔✅〕Fortnite/Server Events – Weekly!

This server uses the most updated a Top Notch Discord features available as well as the Highest End Discord Bots. We use these given features to boost your experience here at TxL STW Lounge. We GUARENTEE you will have an enjoyable experience that you will never forget!

– We Hope you join 🙂

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