Uxcel Community

Build meaningful connections, participate in events, and learn from designers across the world.

Uxcel Community

Created: October 06, 2023

Members: 3233

Join Discord Server

The goal of this community is to help members make meaningful connections with their design peers, and foster a culture of sharing and helping out our fellow designers.

In order to meet the goal of the community, it is important for community members to feel like they are in their sweet place. We request that you read and adhere to the guidelines in the ⁠⚒rules channel.

Here’s what you can expect to get from this community:

Build meaningful relationships – connect with likeminded designers by sharing your thoughts, discussing on design-related topics, gather feedback about your work, and get matched weekly with fellow designers for a 1:1 session.

Participate in events – we aim to host exclusive events in our discord community in variety of forms: educational workshops, AMA sessions, Roast my project/portfolio sessions, Design & Resume feedback sessions, and more. These events will be open for everyone!

Learn from others – get access to resources, videos, events, and learn from others posting their projects and design output, daily

We aim to create the best community for UX designers across the world, and we’re more than happy to see you helping us build it!

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