UY & Chillin’

UY & Chill is the largest Urusei Yatsura community on discord. We offer a wide variety of channels for all your hobbies.

UY & Chillin’

Created: October 04, 2020

Members: 1211

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UY & Chill is the largest Urusei Yatsura community on discord. Our server features a wide variety of Urusei Yatsura-themed channels for you to have fun conversations in. You can expect the full UY fandom experience from episode discussions, theory crafting, fanart sharing, headcanon exploration and more!.

Our server experience doesn’t end at only Urusei Yatsura! We have some general channels and a plethora of channels dedicated to all the hobbies you enjoy, such as art, music, gaming, film and TV, literature, photography, and other anime. We also have a channel dedicated to sharing your own art, whether you wish for it to be admired or you just need some advice. We guarantee there is something for you to enjoy.

We take pride in our now 4-year-old community of friends who will greet you with open arms so you won’t feel the least bit left out. We welcome all sorts of conversation topics and a diverse range of thoughts and ideas. Conversations in our general channels can range from something deep and meaningful to something truly absurd. Controlled chaos is what we love, and we’d be more than happy to welcome you, so take the first step and see why we are still #1 Urusei Yatsura server on Discord.

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