Wolf Pack

We are a group of DCS and aviation enthusiasts based out of the US with active members from across the globe.

Wolf Pack

Created: March 13, 2020

Members: 2377

Join Discord Server

If you enjoy DCS and want to learn more and possibly participate in the u201Cmultiplayeru201D aspect of the game but don’t know where to start, Iu2019d like to tell you about the Wolf Pack discord community. We are a group of DCS and aviation enthusiasts based out of the US with active members from across the globe in nearly every timezone. Wolf Pack membership requires no training or set schedule and anyone who joins our Discord has full access minus admin areas of course. nn We also have a u201CLiberation Campaignu201D mission every sunday. We host a modern jet mission on Thursdays open to anyone, no training required. I could go on as there are too many activities to list them all. nnAs I said we are a DCS Community, so if you are a member of another DCS group weu2019d love to hear from you. Stop by and tell us about your discord and share a link in #introduce-yourself. We would love to collaborate with other DCS communities and Squadrons.nn

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